Carlie Kappl
Mass Communications
Location: Neville Public Museum

Okay, I have not been to a museum since I was probably in elementary school, and the only reason I went to these museums was for academic purposes. I'm just not a fan of museums. In fact, they kind of creep me out. Maybe it's all the wax statues and the real-life settings that seem a little too real. At any rate, this was my first visit to the Neville Public Museum. We walked around through the exhibits for awhile occasionally freaking out when the wooly mammoth roared. This didn't help my so-called museum phobia one bit.

It was interesting to see advertisements in a place like a museum, but there were plenty around. Some of the old style ads for war were hanging up near other war-related exhibits. Other ads hanging nearby were for the U.S. Marines. A mini ad exhibit for today that was located just outside one of the galleries was for the Packers--of course. It consisted of a Wheaties cereal box with the Packers logo, an action shot of a game, and other various memorabilia contained in a plastic box.
You definitely know you are in Green Bay when you see Packer stuff everywhere. It is interesting that even in a place like a museum, where it is supposed to hold priceless works and random setting displays from a specific time period, there are still ads pointing you to the Packers stadium.
To check out more exhibits, visit:
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