Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Media's Experences

Reserch Topic--Media's Experences

Allison Potts

Into to Mass Communications

I am one of those girls who like to keep on the celebrity gossip or issues around the world that are affecting me today. So there are a number of media experiences that have affected my emotionally and physically. There might be some experiences which you might laugh at me for being so attached and there could be others you might to relate to and feel how I’m feeling. One thing is for certain though; media can affect different people in different ways in which others can’t understand.

It all started when I was in middle school. I was completely obsessed and addicted to the Princess of Pop, Britney Spears. Some of you might be laughing at me while right now and asking yourself, “Why would she like someone like that?” I don’t know, I can’t help it, but I have never gotten over my obsession. It wasn’t until the 2007 VMA’S that Britney Spears was supposed to make her famous comeback, and trust me, I counted down the hours to watch it. As we all know, the performance (if that’s what you call it) was terrible! It wasn’t until after I watched her parade around the stage like a drunken fool that I completely lost it. I was sick to my stomach and I was full of so much anger towards her and I actually started tearing up. I couldn’t understand why she didn’t even try to look good. She disappointed her fans, her family and everyone that was routing for her. This media experienced affected me so much, that it still bothers me today. When I see her on the news now, I just shake my head in disappointment. Since the Britney Spears comeback performance in 2007, I will never fully recover as a die hard fan.

On a more serious note, another media experience that affected me was 9/11. I remember I was sitting in my English class and suddenly somebody turned on the news as I watched the second plane crash into the second tower. I remember looking around the room and some students were crying and others were in complete shock. I was one of the girls in the room that was crying. My aunt was just in New York 3 days prior to the attack and took a picture of herself on top of one of the towers. I actually went on an emotional rollercoaster: first—shock, second—sadness, third—denial, forth—hate and anger and five—sadness once again. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. Thinking about all the people killed, wounded and affected by this made me really upset. This affected me physically because both my brother and I had nightmares about this event many months after it happened. I don’t know if people experienced the same emotions as I did on September 11th, but I know one thing for sure, no one was emotionless.

I think that no matter who you are, media’s experiences affect you in one way or another. Sometimes you can’t control how you feel about what you see or hear and that could either open up your eyes in a different direction or make you severely hurt or damaged.

If you want to watch Britney Spears flop at the VMA’S:

If you want to watch 9/11:

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