Intro to Mass Comm
Location Activity- The Neville Museum
"Describe what you saw and take a picture to support it; reflect on at least two things that struck you as odd/unusual/interesting related to mass communication; and lastly describe how the activity related to the history of that field and to at least one more medium."
I've been born and raised in the Green Bay area. I know the things that Green Bay has to offer as a city, but what I didn't know is how much they had changed!
Recently, my group decided to visit the Neville Museum. Now, when I was younger, I used to go to this museum with my dad. It was my absolutely favorite place to go. It has changed drastically since I have been there, over 12 years ago.
Back in the day, the museum was composed of dinosaur bones. Nothing is close to that anymore! For the most part, the museum was composed of history.

One thing that I saw at the museum, is the unique picture of this car (on the left). Yes, that is right, a car! Nowadays cars are so much more high tech than this. I mean, look at the mechanics in order to make this bad boy go. It just strikes me as so interesting to see how much things have evolved from back in the day. Things are so much more different now than before. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. Way back when, things were so easy and simple. Now, everything is high tech and complicated. You either have the ability to work with technology, or you don't. That's what makes this car unique. I just can't imagine the mechanics to make this go. And to look at the size and the shape of the vechicle! It is so different now, then ever before. Things won't stop changing and evolving either.

The thing that I loved most about the Neville Museum, was that I was wrong; there still were dinosaurs there! In the picture on the right, you can see Carlie and I sitting by a giant Mammoth! I loved seeing the dinosaurs, and the childhood memories of bonding with my dad!
Okay, another interesting thing about the museum is the targeted audience. It isn't just one age group. The museum is composed of so many different things for different age groups. For instance, senior citizens can relate to the older cars, for may their parents used to drive one. And children always think that dinosaurs are neat, so seeing them in real life-real sized portions has to be totally amazing to a child! For me it was seeing these olden day photos.

Again, seeing the way that technology has changed in not even 60 years! The things that we have come across is absolutely amazing!! These photos are all black and white, and the people had very little facial expressions. If they did have a facial, it was just a simple smile. But I know when I take pictures today, that I'm being completely goofy; and I'm using my high-tech (piece of junk) digital camera. We went from huge cameras, where most middle-class people didn't own; to high tech, small digital cameras that everyone owns!
To wrap things up, seeing history in the museum really opened my eyes for me. Things change so much; cars, cameras, facial expressions. And the evolution of technology is still evolving! Keep your eyes open for change; for it's happening every waking minute!
Almost forgot, for more info and tour times on the Neville Museum, check out
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