Intro to Mass Comm
Research Activity

You may call me your typical girl. I like chick-flicks, movies that make me ball my eyes out, like Titanic, and the idea of this perfect world. I blame the media for having this idea.
In my head, I have this ideal image of the perfect man. This man, I have so far, found not to exist. He is taller than me, physically fit, has shaggy hair, and dresses extremely nice. (Also none as a "metro-sexual") He leaves me love notes on my car, sends me "just thinking of you" text messages, and tells me I'm beautiful when I wake up, and clearly am not. He buys, or picks, me flowers weekly, and of course, we never ever fight! I tried to find a picture of this man on the internet, but he was no where to be found!
Anyways, I got this ideal, unrealistic, high-standard man em-brained in my head from watching sappy love movies.
I never realized the power of the media until I had to sit and do this project of writing blogs. For the last couple months, I have been watching on how the media influences me, and makes me feel. I will give you a couple of examples.
I cannot watch "scary" movies. If there is suspense or murders I'm out! They make me scared out of my wits! Even the movies that make fun of scary movies, like "Scary Movie," I cannot watch, because I will have nightmares for months to come.
Most people watch scary movies to experience a rush. Well, I get enough of a rush in my everyday life, it does not need to increase!
When I was younger, I used to love watching scary movies. I enjoyed that rush. But from me watching so many scary movies, at such a young age, I am scared to anymore.
I have seen movies where people drawn in a tub while taking a bath. I was about 14 years old when I watched a movie that had that in it. Now, seven years later, I cannot take a tub alone in my house for fear that some spirit is going to drown me. Is that even a realistic thought? Absolutely not! But whenever I am alone in a bathtub, that is all I can think about!
Plus, watching a scary movie is going to project my mood. I have a healthy, positive-thinking mind. When I watch I scary movie, or even a sad movie, my mood is no longer happy. I'm upset and unhappy. I would much rather watch a comedy, something that will make me happy, then watching something that is going to scare the life out of me.
Even after watching a scary movie, I have nightmares for weeks to follow! I wake up with pictures of these bad guys in the movie standing next to me! Ahhh! I would much rather be waking up and thinking of my ideal man sitting on my bed!
Well, to conclude things up here; I love happy movies! I love the ideas that happy movies give me, not scary movies. So, if my ideal man is reading this, when you take me to a dinner and a movie date, please, let's watch "When Harry Met Sally!"
If you are my dream man, and decide that you want to take me on a date, please check out this website which has fabulous romantic movies, and romantic love ideas. Thank you! :)

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