Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Visit the Railroad Museum

For our last location activity, my group and I decided to travel to the Railroad Museum. At first I thought to myself that this museum was just all about the interior of the trains. Boy, was I wrong! This was probably my favorite location activity because I was actually excited to learn all this interesting information about how “working on the railroad” days would be like in the past.

What I selected to report on was the design of the train. What I thought was really appealing about the design of the “old train” was its inside corridors. The hallways were so extremely small that I could hardly fit though with out turning sideways. This made me think to myself about how life was lived around that period of time. Traveling by train was a normal way to get from point A to point B. In this period of time, people usually travel by cars or planes. Perhaps graffiti is also a turn off for most travelers today. People see that the outside of a train covered and paint and think “trashy”, therefore the insides are useless as well. Also, undersized hallways were also most likely accustomed to their lifestyle. Room’s fancy, padded seats that were so close to one another was probably just a normal way to travel as well. Today, trains are most likely used to shuttle supplies, therefore, making the rooms more spread out and less fancy for few travelers. Obesity is also a big issue today, so if the trains were used for passengers, the hallways would be large enough so that one could pass through. Designers worked hard on the interior and exterior of trains and we should all take that into large consideraction.

What I did like about the train was that it communicated to me on more of a deeper level. I realized that back then, glamour and fashion was easy to come by. Nowadays, people design graffiti on the outside of the trains, not caring about what goes on inside. Back then, passengers appreciated and respected the style that the designers created to make the train more exciting. What we need to realize that the transition we have made from one era to the next has been such a large one.

Location Activity: Visit the Railroad Museum

Carlie Kappl

Mass Communication

Location Activity: Visit the Railroad Museum

Okay, so in my last post regarding museums I said I hated them and they creeped me out. They still do, but the Railroad Museum was actually very interesting. I have never been a fan of trains considering they run through my backyard at home, and they are very loud and obnoxious. However, I enjoyed my visit to the museum. We even got to board one of the trains in the exhibit and walk around it.

It is very scenic. When you first pull in there are trains everywhere outside. There is a large gift shop in the entrance that sells all sorts of train stuff. I should have picked up something for my four-year-old nephew who has a love affair with Thomas the train. Next time.

And that's the thing. I would actually go back to this museum and take a closer look around at it. Something interesting I saw was that they had displays of different parts of the railroad, like this huge sledgehammer-like thing called a spike maul.

This bad boy can safely strike a spike on either said of the rail, where an ordinary sledgehammer cannot because the head on it is too short. This tool makes it easier for the worker to drive several spikes without having to move to the other side of the rail.

The exhibit also had three other trains lined up with it. These were un-boardable, but they had a festive display of Christmas presents in the front of them on a stage with a chair for people to sit and get their pictures taken in front of.

The trains were obviously massive, but it was interesting to seem them up close. For more information about the exhibits, visit

In another room, there were displays of old time scenes of people working on the railroad with descriptions of each scene.

Interestingly, it turns out the museum serves a multi-purpose. People can book birthday parties and wedding receptions there too. For more information visit for more events and for more information on how to book your own event.

Location Activity: Visit the Railroad Museum

Lauren Gregory

Mass Communication

For the location activity, our group got together and visited the Railroad Museum located in downtown Green Bay. I definitely have to start off recommending it for everyone! I mean, how often do you get to board an actual train without a pesky guide following you around?

To me, the most significant part of my tour was in a very large warehouse room that’s home to four refurbished trains. The three other girls and I boarded one of the passenger trains and immediately noticed lots of cool things; including a dining room set up in the middle.

An interesting yet inconvenient thing about the train we boarded was that the walkways were very narrow. If four college girls were scraping their arms on the sides of the train‘s walls, I can’t imagine an oversized adult with luggage trying to get on and off! That train had closter phobia written all over it.

There were many tools and things on display that struck me as being very interesting as well. My favorite being the display showing how they used dynamite to blow tunnels through the mountains.

This activity was an obvious relation to the history of dominant transportation means and how that changed over time. I found it very interesting because although trains aren’t used as exclusively as they once were, they still play an important and economical role in transportation today.

Also, after looking at most of the them, I couldn’t help but notice the size of the trains themselves were getting bigger. It actually didn’t surprise me much at all because it seems to go hand in hand with the American idea that bigger is better.

To check out an interactive slideshow of the museum click here:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Location Activity: The Railroad Museum

Crystal VandenAvond

Intro to Mass Communication

Location Activity: Visit the Railroad Museum

"1. Describe what you saw and take a picture to support what you saw (include yourself or your group in the photograph).
2. Reflect on at least two things that struck you as odd/unusual/interesting related to mass communication.
3. Describe how the activity related to the history of that field and to at least one more medium."

Okay, for starters, our entire group went to the Railroad Museum on Broadway in Ashwaubenon. I think that this was the best location activity we have done. (Well, maybe it's tied with the Lambeau tour, but it sure beats the Neville!)

Anyways, we saw a lot of neat things here. First off, there was a train that we were allowed to go into that they used to use in the olden days. (Right). The train was so so so small inside. I hard a had time fitting through the walkways with my purse, I couldn't imagine what it was like in the olden days.

The bathrooms inside on the train were extremely small. I literally could just put my body in there and sit, that's it!

Trains have changed so much from how they used to be, and they aren't as common of a way of transportation.

For example, the photo right below is a picture of what they used to hall freight on. These little cars were attached to the train, and freight was haled. That is so interesting!! It is not like that anymore. The freight cars now are closed in, and are not made out of wood. It just really astounds me how much things change!
This whole experience really related a lot to history. Seeing how much things have changed over the years and decades.

Including advertising. If you take a peak of this picture at left, you can see me and all of these "billboards" from the olden days. These signs used to be advertising for companies and businesses. If you take a look at a sign now it has grown so much from how it used to be!

For one, they aren't as old fashioned looking, and they have evolved so much! The sense of advertising and transportation is so much different nowadays!

To get the experience that I got at the Railroad Museum, check out their page at

Monday, December 3, 2007

Take a fashion website and together a list of the ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceive ourselves and bodies.

Carlie Kappl

Mass Communications

Take a fashion website and together a list of the ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceive ourselves and bodies.

My bible has an official Web site:

Not only do I have a year long subscription with which I read through almost every article, but I often visit the Web site for extended tips on life, love and yes--fashion.

I'm not sure who gave Cosmo the okay to tell women who are 17-37 how to dress, but sure enough, fashion is one of the sections that makes it into every issue with a page dedicated to "7 things to crave right now" which shows 7 styles that every woman should own. Also, there are plenty of pages dedicated to "who wore it better?" between celebrities, choose the best style for your shape, etc.

But people actually buy into this stuff. I mean, I take some of these suggestions seriously, but I think the tips mostly account for good reading. But some fashion ideas such as the high-waisted houndstooth baggy pants that fold up at the bottom paired with a tucked in shirt? Sorry, not my style.
However, I can appreciate their suggestions on the best haircut for your face shape. These people obviously know what they're talking about, and I trust them to help me decide how to cut my hair. This could possibly in part be due to the fact they tell me I can wear my hair basically however I want.

I've been anti-bangs since about 8th grade, but when I saw Reese Witherspoon on the cover of CosmoStyle a few months ago, I actually allowed my hair to be cut into bangs.

Obviously Reese Witherspoon wasn't the only inspiration behind my look, but when you see the style on a hot celebrity, it definitely makes you whip out the scissors a little bit faster.

Curious about how to get the hair that gets you want you want? Visit for more details.

Cosmo also has some great tips regarding makeup application and colors that are great for your skin and eye color that actually make sense. Cosmo may be corrupting the world a little by strongly influencing its readers about fashion, but if they didn't want to be corrupted, they wouldn't read the magazine, right?

Do you want to be on the fast track to becoming a "fun, fearless female"? Visit to order your own subscription to Cosmo. Don't worry guys, there's a "Cosmo for your guy" section in every issue.

Take a fashion website and together a list of the ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceiver ourselves and bodies.

Crystal VandenAvond

Intro to Mass Communication

Research Activity

"Take a fashion website and put together a lists of ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceive ourselves and our bodies (male or female)."

For this assignment, I checked out I was absolutely astounded by the photos I seen on this page.

The pictures that they have of women up there, are something that unrealistically a woman couldn't ever look like! But it is what every woman in society wants to look like.

For instance, the picture that I have posted (at right) was one of the featured photos of the day. Now, keep in mind, the website that I was at was I am still trying to
figure out what part of this photo has fashion in!

This woman has to weigh under 100 pounds, and is wearing, what appears to be, somewhat of a cheetah, or leopard print outfit. She is tied up to this tree, and a snake is circling around her body. She is unable to move, because she is tied up, but yet, she is fashionous in this swimsuit!

I bet you that this company has sold tons of this style of a swimming suit. (I was unable to get the exact number of how many suits were sold, but it said that is was the most popular suit.)

Everything about this picture is wrong! Everything! This is totally degrading to women!

This picture also makes us think that we too need to be under 100 pounds, not have a single curve in our body, or a single wrinkle in our face. There isn't an ounce of fat on her arms, and her face structure is 'beautiful.'

Also, the advertisement for this dress (left). This woman is nothing but skin and bones. She also does not have a curve on her body. Not even breasts.

This dress was available in sizes extra-small, through medium, and was over $250.00!!!

If a "fashion site" sells a beautiful dress from XS-med, how is that supposed to make me feel?

My body type is not allowed to be fashionous for. I wear a size large in a top. I have extremely broad shoulders, and no hips whatsoever. My body type is not accommodated for, and I really was feeling sick to my stomach looking at the fashion site! I actually started to feel bad for the way that I look. I even know that I am an extremely beautiful person, and I have many great qualities and traits...but apparently not compared to these women!

Check out the website, look at some of the photographs of these women, and clothes, and tell me how it made you feel!

Take a fashion website and put together a lisis of ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceive ourselves and our bodies (males or females):

A fashion website that I chose to discuss was Abercrombie fashion is an important topic to me because it was all I would wear in High School. What might be appealing to some viewers, is just wrong for others. After looking at the Abercrombie website, I realized what the website was actually portraying to its viewers. It's saying that you should have an awesome body, probably be naked, and take control of situations in life, usually when it comes to the opposite sex.

Usually, the fashion industry has a controversy about the female or male models being too thin, but in this case it is an entirely different issue. When I would just shop normally at Abercrombie, I would buy the clothes that I thought were “in” and whatever just looked nice on my body. But when I went to the website to shop online, I thought to myself, “Wow, these models are looking really hot, but they sure aren’t doing a good job modeling the clothes because they don’t have ANY ON.” Most of the male models on the websites were just showing off their huge muscles, standing against an object,playing some kind of dominating sport, or kissing a girl. Abercrombie's website doesn't usually show many of the models showing off their clothes, it just protrays how the viewers should live their life.

What I think that is absurd is that most of Abercrombie’s shoppers are high school teens. The messages that Abercrombie’s website is giving to them is that the more naked you are, the better it is. Also, the more a man is in control of a situation; the better the situation can be for him. Sex, great bodies, and controlling situations are considered fashion to Abercrombie’s fashion, but I just think it’s wrong. What these pictures aren't doing is showing the shoppers how awesome the clothes are, it's just showing the opposite.