Crystal VandenAvond
Intro to Mass Communication
Research Activity
"Take a fashion website and put together a lists of ways the fashion industry molds the way we perceive ourselves and our bodies (male or female)."
For this assignment, I checked out I was absolutely astounded by the photos I seen on this page.
The pictures that they have of women up there, are something that unrealistically a woman couldn't ever look like! But it is what every woman in society wants to look like.
For instance, the picture that I have posted (at right) was one of the featured photos of the day. Now, keep in mind, the website that I was at was I am still trying to
This woman has to weigh under 100 pounds, and is wearing, what appears to be, somewhat of a cheetah, or leopard print outfit. She is tied up to this tree, and a snake is circling around her body. She is unable to move, because she is tied up, but yet, she is fashionous in this swimsuit!
I bet you that this company has sold tons of this style of a swimming suit. (I was unable to get the exact number of how many suits were sold, but it said that is was the most popular suit.)
Everything about this picture is wrong! Everything! This is totally degrading to women!
This picture also makes us think that we too need to be under 100 pounds, not have a single curve in our body, or a single wrinkle in our face. There isn't an ounce of fat on her arms, and her face structure is 'beautiful.'

This dress was available in sizes extra-small, through medium, and was over $250.00!!!
If a "fashion site" sells a beautiful dress from XS-med, how is that supposed to make me feel?
My body type is not allowed to be fashionous for. I wear a size large in a top. I have extremely broad shoulders, and no hips whatsoever. My body type is not accommodated for, and I really was feeling sick to my stomach looking at the fashion site! I actually started to feel bad for the way that I look. I even know that I am an extremely beautiful person, and I have many great qualities and traits...but apparently not compared to these women!
Check out the website, look at some of the photographs of these women, and clothes, and tell me how it made you feel!
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