Sunday, December 2, 2007

Reflect on early childhood and choose a particular television program and reflect on its effect

Crystal VandenAvond

Intro to Mass Communications

Research Activity

"Reflect on early childhood and choose a particular television program and reflect on its effect. . For example, how did Sesame Street or Power Rangers affect you then and now?"

As a child, my absolutely favorite show, in the whole-wide world, to watch was: "Blue's Clue's!"

After coming home from kindergarten or first grade, I would sit in front of the television and watch another exciting episode of Blue's Clue's! This happened every day until about fifth grade.

Watching Blue's Clue's was a way for me to escape my daily-life, or start my weekend. It filled my mind with more imagination and power.

For those of you who don't remember, Blue's Clue's was about a little dog, "Blue", and his owner, "Steve." (Upper left) Blue would give clues to Steve about what he wanted to do that day, or where he wanted to go. Steve would get only three clues from Blue. The clues had Blue's paw print on them (right). Then Steve would draw the clue's in his "handy-dandy notebook."

After Steve figured out the three clues, he would sit in his "thinking chair" to put the clues together and figure out what Blue was telling Steve.

Within this time, Blue would "Skadoo" into pictures or photos where "another life" would be. When I was younger, watching Blue and Steve skadoo into a photo seemed really neat to me. After watching the show, I would say what Steve would always say; "Blue skadooed, we can too." (Then Steve would follow Blue into that photo.) And I would try skadooing into a picture on the wall.

This never worked, and always left me with a hurt head, and sometimes a broken picture.

Also, when I were to hang out with my cousins, we would play Blue's Clue's around the house. I think that this was good for us as children to use our imaginations, and run around the house to get exercise.

But, now that I am older, I do not watch Blue's Clue's, nor do I have an interest in it. I occasionally I will scan past it on a Saturday morning on Nick Jr. Sometimes, I will stop and watch it for a few minutes to remember my childhood days.

I really think that Blue's Clue's is great for children. It helps children learn colors, numbers, shapes, etc.

To meet the characters of Blue's Clue's, check out

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